TAG: videogame
- Ace Angler
- Aconcagua
- Alien Soldier
- Altron
- Animal Crossing series
- Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons
- Animal Crossing: New Leaf
- Animal Plaza (working title)
- Asuka 120% Series
- Atelier Series
- Aussie Rules Footy
- Balloon Fight
- Bionic Commando
- Bomberman
- Boomerang
- Breakanoids
- Civilization V
- Clairvoyance
- Destroy Your Home
- Diorama Battle of NINJA
- Donkey Konga Series
- DynaMarisa 3D
- Earth Defence Force Tactics
- Earth Defense Force 4.1
- Earth Defense Force 5
- Earth Defense Force 6
- Earth Defense Force Series
- Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
- Fighters Destiny Series
- Footy Fanatic FX
- Freshly Picked: Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland
- Frozen Synapse
- GrandSlam: The Tennis Tournament
- Hexcells
- Hybrid Heaven
- Idle Game
- Karaoke Studio
- Kentucky Route Zero
- Kirby and the Forgotten Land
- Kororinpa series
- LSD: Dream Emulator
- MaBoShi's Arcade
- Marble Madness
- Mario's Super Picross
- Metroid II: Return of Samus
- Mini Metro
- Monster Hunter
- Monster Hunter Rise
- Monster Hunter: World
- NEO AQUARIUM: The King of Crustaceans
- Nintendo Pocket Football Club
- Odama
- OutRun
- OutRun 2
- Ozi Rules 2010
- Phantasy Star Online
- Pictlogica Final Fantasy ≒
- Plug and Play Console
- Pocket Card Jockey
- Pokémon Shuffle
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2013
- Psychonauts
- Qix
- Raw Danger!
- Reflect Missile
- Rocket League
- Scorched Earth
- Sid Meier's Ace Patrol
- Sound Fantasy
- Stunt Race FX
- Super Monkey Ball Series
- Tap Wars Earth Defense Force 4.1
- Terranigma
- The Genji and The Heike Clans
- The Granstream Saga
- The Hobbit
- The Legend of Motorcycle Cock
- The Legend of Zelda series
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- The Taito Compilations
- TimeSplitters
- Tower of the Sorcerer
- TrackMania
- Twinkle Star Sprites
- Umbrella Corps
- Unity
- Vantage Master Online
- Vib-Ribbon
- Videoball
- Warframe
- Wars Series
- Winter Gold
- びっくりマウス (Bikkuri Mouse)
- もと子ちゃんのワンダーキッチン (Motoko-chan's Wonder Kitchen)
- アディーのおくりもの - To Moze From Addie
- オトッキー (Otocky)
- ゴルフ大好き!O.B.倶楽部
- ダンジョンランド (Dungeon Land)
- トラック狂走曲〜愛と哀しみのロデオ〜
- 新機動戦記ガンダムW Endless Duel
- 鉄人28号
- THE宇宙大戦争