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Useful Programs

Programs I find useful. Mostly just ones I think I might forget, or that seem slightly obscure.

I don't use Windows anymore, but I'll leave this stuff here 'cause maybe someone'll still find it useful.

FIXME (Out of date, need to clear out [better yet, just move?] entries for softs. I don't use anymore)


※ I don't use Windows anymore, so don't care too much about keeping that info. up to date and have moved a lot of it to §No longer use, but perhaps still useful. Sorry!

Use Name Links Note
Accessibility find-cursor Code AUR Replicates the accessibility feature in Windows where you can press Ctrl to spawn some contracting concentric circles to show you where your Mouse cursor is.
Desktop Utils. Rofi Code Arch Flexible launcher for i3wm.
Files mediainfo Home Arch CLI and GUI tools for getting detailed information about various kinds of media files (video, audio, etc), in different formats.
I mostly use the QT version on Arch, as it has more features than the default GTK one, including a real vital one which let's me set which page of information it opens on, for some reason.
Is also on Windows and Macs.
Game stuff Archi Steam Farm Code AUR Collects Steam cards without having to open the game.
Hardware CPU-X Home AUR Open-source clone of CPU-Z. Gets info. about the computer.
Media Editing FFmpeg Home Arch Terminal-based tool for working with video and audio. You can crop, resize, convert, concatenate, etc.; probably anything you can imagine.
ImageMagick Home Arch Like FFmpeg, but for images.
Music MPD Home Arch Run a small music server for streaming music to hardware on your network (or Internet).
yewtube Code AUR Stream Youtube audio from the terminal.
ncmpcpp Feature-rich, terminal-based, MPD client.
Quod Libet Music Player and library organiser.
Organisation FreeMind Home Arch Mind-mapping tool.
QOwnNotes AUR ? Nice bit of software for writing and organising notes. I sync them between computers and phone with Syncthing. Might change to Org-mode one day?
Tellico Home Arch Software for organising info. about collections. Easy to customise what fields you want to use, and does a good job of importing data from places like Discogs. I use it for videogames and music.
I also tried GCstar, but liked this more.
P2P SoulseekQT Home AUR GUI Soulseek client. Mostly used for music sharing. I much prefer it to the alternate Nicotine+, but I can't remember why.
Transmission Torrent client. I actually use two versions, one for downloading stuff to my computer, and more commonly, one for downloading stuff to my NAS.
Package Management Yay Code AUR Gosh AUR helpers keep disappearing. But this one's doing a good job of replacing the now maintained pacaur.
Trizen Code AUR I've switched from Yay to Trizen, but they're both pretty equally fine and I can't remember why I changed~
Scanning VueScan Home AUR On Windows this was vital to get my scanner working, as it was old and compatibility was broken. On Linux this isn't a problem, but it might still be useful, as the amount of control it gives you over the scanner is unparalleled. Expensive as fuck though.
Security KeePassXC Arch Win7 Encrypted, locally hosted, password manager.
Switch to this from some other version of KP 'cause I needed TOTP without a phone.
Timed Shutdown Sleep Timer AUR Win7 Simple program for scheduling computer shutdown, hibernation etc.

No longer use, but perhaps still useful

Use Name Downloads Note
Bootdisk USBWriter ? Win7 Simple, used for Antergos Linux
Universal USB Installer ? Win7 More options, inc. storage partition
Download Management Megatools Home AUR Command-line tools for working with, either with or without an account.
Yt-dlp Code Arch CLI tools for grabbing video and audio from Youtube (and some other places, apparently). Spiritual-successor to Youtube-dl.
DVD authoring DVD Flick ? Win7 Create and burn DVD-video discs.
ConvertXDVD Use to create Video_TS (etc.) folders
DVD ripping MeGUI ? Win7 Useful part of workflow when making DVD rips (for KG, etc.)
Desktop tools Albert AUR n/a Nice program / file / web launcher for linux.
Easy to theme, unlike the otherwise good Synapse.
File management FastCopy Lin Win7 Copies files faster, with more options. Not sure how useful it is on Linux, but there's a port for it and OSX called RapidCopy.
Mediacoder ? Win7 Info. on video files
Pandora Recovery n/a Win7 Super useful program for re-getting deleted items
QTTabBar n/a Win7 Adds tabs (and other stuff I don't care about) to Windows Explorer.
Space Sniffer ? Win7 Visualises HD usage, so you can see what's hogging the most space.
Alternatives include Spacemonger and WinDirStat.
Game stuff Ice ? Win7 Put ROMs in Steam.
Get images from:
Idle Master AUR Win7 Collects Steam cards without having to open the game.
Lutris AUR n/a Combined library for Steam, emulators, Wine, etc.
Hardware CPU-Z n/a Win7 GUI program to get info. on computer's hardware. RAM configuration, type, etc.
Music Foobar 2000 AUR Win7 Perfect software for organising and playing music.
OH&S f.lux AUR Win7 Changes screen tone and brightness at different times of day.
Organisation Rainlendar AUR Win7 Is on AUR, not on Chocolatey. Easy to share a calendar between OSes
Pro version syncs with Google Cal., CalDAV, etc.
Package Management Chocolatey n/a Win7 Windows package manager!! Not perfect, and a little slow, but much better than nothing!
Screenshots ShareX n/a Win7 Can set it up so 'printscreens' are dumped strait to the desktop :)
On Linux I just use a script that uses ImageMagick to get the same function.
Windows customisation Library Icon Changer n/a Win7
Resource Hacker
Ultimate Windows Hacker Privacy stuff to for Win10

Firefox Stuffs

Use Add-on / Extension Note
Navigation Breadcrumbs Easily navigate a website's directory structure.
HeadingsMap Gives you a panel which lists heading-based map of the page you're on (like what you might get in a PDF reader)
Privacy, security Firefox Multi-Account Containers Designate pages to open in their own, walled-off environment.
Privacy Redirect Redirects Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, and Google Maps links to proxies.
uMatrix My main blocker, gives good control over media, cookies and scripts.
Cookie AutoDelete Dictate cookie lifespan, and manage other stuff pages and browsers store. I use it for clearing out my Youtube history.
uBlock Origin I use it as a supplement to UMatrix for blocking specific elements of pages. See: UBlock Origin Fixes shitty link shortener bullshit.
RSS Feed Preview Shows an icon when a page has a feed available, and renders a preview when visited.
YouTube RSS Finder Shows an icon with a link to a Youtube channel's hidden feed.
UI Firefox Color Easily customise FF's colours.
Stylus Use custom CSS on websites. Previously I used Stylish, but apparently that got nasty. Easy to replace an old Stylish setup—uses the same format. See Stylus for some example rules.
Tab Sidebar Let's you access tabs from the same panel you can use for bookmarks and history. I was using the popular Tree Style Tab for a while, but it loads slow, and I don't use all the fancy stuff, and it looks ugly with my theme. Sidebery is similar to TST, but looks less ugly. Tab Sidebar just lists the tabs, loads rights away, and even has a shortcut built-in.
UX BlockTube Block Youtube channels from being shown.
Web Development Popup ALT Attribute Shows contents of element's alt attribute in a tooltip.
Duplicate tab Let's you configure a keyboard shortcut for duplicating a tab. I use this feature a bunch, and having to do it through the right-click menu was a painnnnnn.
There's another add-on that's supposed to do the same thing, but I didn't have any luck with it: Duplicate Tab Shortcut.

No longer use, but perhaps still useful

Use Add-on / Extension Note
Appearance Simple White Compact Square, white, compact, tidy (discontinued?)
I just use Firefox Color now.
Privacy, security Form History Control Manage stored form data
NoScript Blocks JavaScript.
Now use UMatrix for this.
Password Exporter Used once for moving my passwords from Firefox to KeePass.
Request Policy Control cross-website access (rad).
Now use UMatrix for this.
Canvas Defender Protects against HTML5 canvas fingerprinting.
Productivity Feedbro Oftputtingly-named, in-browser feed reader
Tab Groups Restores tab grouping feature
Tile Tabs Super-useful tab splitting. Seems to no longer work?
Protocols OverbiteWX Redirects Gopher links to the Floodgap proxy :) In the future is supposed to render them on its own!
Steam Super Steam Use Enhanced Steam in not-Firefox
UI Tree Style Tab Let's you access tabs from the same panel you can use for bookmarks and history. Tabs can be arranged hierarchically, and there are additional useful add-ons.
TST Tab Search Tab searching integrated in to Tree Style Tab panel
TST Bookmarks Subpanel Split TST vertically, so bookmarks can be displayed below.
TST Active Tab on Scroll Bar Helps you find the active tab in TST list.
TST More Tree Commands Menu items to reorganise tab hierarchy.
TST Colored Tabs Automatically uses colours to separate tabs based on where they point.
TST Indent Line Makes heirarchy a bit clearer by using vertical lines to show groups.
Whoops Lazarus: Form Recovery
Youtube Video Blocker Block entire Youtube channels!! But is busted last time I checked.
Content Unpaywall Find non-paywall versions of paywalled academic documents


Previously I used add-ons mostly for syncing calendar sand address books, but that stuff's finally built-in to Thunderbird.

Use Add-on / Extension Note
Account management ImportExportTools NG Used it once for importing and exporting messages.


I don't too too much with my phone, mostly just look at a few websites in the morning, listen to music at night, and keep my notes synced. All the stuff I don't hate-use is on F-Droid.

Use Name Downloads Note
Calendar Simple Calendar Pro F-Droid G.Play Straight-forward calendar that you can either run offline or synced.
DAVx⁵ F-Droid G.Play Tool for syncing with CalDAV calendars (for example if you're hosting your own).
ICSx⁵ F-Droid G.Play Used for incorporating webcal, which DAVDroid doesn't handle.
Tasks OpenTasks F-Droid G.Play Decent app for managing tasks (the kind attached to CalDAV calendars). Has a decent widget. Seems to have stopped development, but works fine. I don't use tasks anymore.
Notes ColorNote x G.Play Simple note taking software with a decent widget.
I don't use this anymore.
Markor F-Droid G.Play This is the app I've been using for doing notes. I use Syncthing to keep things synced between my phone and PCs.
Drawing Tux Paint F-Droid ? Fun drawing program! (Also on PCs)
Music MPDroid F-Droid x Pretty out of date MPD client, but works well on old devices
MALP F-Fdroi G.Play MPD client that's still developed. Interface is a little clunky, but not too bad.
Media Kore F-Droid G.Play Official Kodi remote. Actually on F-Droid :)
PhotoScan x G.Play Easy photo capture that works really well.
By Google though.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Guide x G.Play Keep track of Animal Crossing stuffs. Haven't looked into a New Horizons version yet.
MuPDF F-Droid G.Play Decent, basic PDF reader.
VLC F-Droid G.Play It's VLC with a weird interface. It's fine.
Social Tusky F.Droid G.Play Most popular Fediverse app.
Subway Tooter Repo G.Play My fave Fedi. app. Very customisable and FOSS-clunky-feeling. Has a great feature where you can preview local timelines of any instance.
Volume Control Volume Control x G.Play Android volume control is so bad. I can't get it quiet enough to listen to music in bed (through headphones). This app is suss as fuck, full of ads, probably spyware, but it's all I got. Amazed there's no open source alternative. Almost makes me want to learn how to make Android stuff.
Precise Volume x G.Play Trying this one too. Still has ads.
Misc. Syncthing-Fork F-Droid G.Play I use this for syncing files between my computers.
OsmAnd~ F.Droid G.Play Access OpenStreetMap maps. Also lets you download maps for particular regions, so you can use them without an Internet connection.
WiFi Analyzer F.Droid G.Play Get realtime info. on wireless network, so you can set your router up efficiently and diagnose wireless problems.

See Also


useful_programs.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/19 22:31 by rjt