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A space for keeping track of things I learn, things I want to remember, things I want to share, things I want to connect.

Ideally each page here would actually be a bespoke HTML page of its own, but using a Wiki, at least for now, feels like an easy way to get nice functions such as tags and categories, and also enable me to quickly add stuff. Perhaps it will transform once there's more content.

:!: I've just switched from using namespaces (effectively directories) to organise pages, to using tags. So things are a bit messy here right now.



Tags are the primary way pages here are categorised.

Stuff learned trying to fix problems, mostly with software.
Lots of notes on videogames, keep meanign to do this for other media.
Mostly translated song lyrics, some videogame menus.
Because of clumsy server config some edits get bounced by filters, so I have to edit the files manually. This screws with the edit history.



  • 'NB', '※', and '☞' are pretty much used interchangeably.
  • The little icons in front of links represent the website they will send you to.
  • Green text points to pages within this wiki, red text points to pages within the wiki that don't exist, and blue text points to pages elsewhere online.


※ Dokuwiki customisations available at: dokuwiki-tweaks-rjt.
※ My Dokuwiki template is also on tildegit: dokuwiki-template-base.
※ If you want to see which other pages link to the one you're currently viewing, click the backlinks button (🔗) in the little menu on the right.

index.1603598430.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/25 15:00 by rjt