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Notes on Wii Games
Notes on Nintendo Wii games.
Animal Crossing: Let's Go To The City | |
Reminds of how big a leap New Leaf is really. The rest of the AC games feel preeeetty similar to the original, so this is nice and cosey in that sense. | |
Another Code:R | |
ATV Quad | |
Balls of Fury | |
Baroque | |
Battalion Wars 2 | |
Blast Works: Build & Destroy | |
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars | |
Castlevania: The Adventure | |
Centipede | |
Contra ReBirth | |
Crazy Climber | |
Cursed Mountain | |
Darts Wii DX | |
Data East Arcade Classics | |
DeadSpace: Extraction | |
Dewy's Adventure | |
Driift Mania | |
Doctor Fizzwizzle's Animal Rescue | |
The Dog Island | also on: PS2 |
This is really hard for me, somehow. | |
Endless Ocean 2 | |
Escape From Bug Island | |
Excite Truck | |
ExciteBots: Trick Racing | |
I've enjoyed this a lot more than Excite Truck! The robots are charmingly goofy | |
Family Party: 30 Great Games - Outdoor Fun | |
Family Party: 30 Great Games - Winter Fun | |
Family Party: 90 Great Games Party Pack | |
縁日の達人 (Festival Master) | |
Taiko minigame spinoff. | |
FIFA '15 | |
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn | |
Fishing Master | |
FlingSmash | |
Ghost Squad | also on: Arcade |
Really fun Sega light-gun shooter. Multiple paths, full of detail. Fun, kitchy Sega feel. | |
GTI Club: Supermini Festa | |
Gunblade NY & LA Machineguns | also on: Arcade |
Definitely lose something without the massive gun controllers they have in the arcade. If I feel like playing a light-gun game I'd rather go Ghost Squad, or Virtua Cop, but these're still fine. | |
Horizon Riders | |
Jeep Thrills | |
Just a crummy version of the Excite games. Good name but. | |
Jerry Rice & Nitus' Dog Football | also on: Windows |
Kororinpa / Kororinpa: Marble ManiaNA / コロリンパ | |
Simple roller game the uses motion controls to move the playfield. Lots of small-scale sequence breaking possibilities, like the good Monkey Ball games. Has nothing to do with Tingle~. One of my favourite Wii games, works well both as something relaxing, and something to play fast and go for high scores. | |
The Last Story | |
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword | |
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess | also on: GameCube |
Let's Tap | |
Link's Crossbow Training | |
Pretty neat, actually! Not much to it, but there's plenty of variety. | |
Little King's Story | also on: Windows |
Lost In Shadow | |
MadWorld | |
Marble Saga Kororinpa | |
Sequel to Kororinpa. Has a balance board mode with balance board-specific stages that's pretty cool. | |
Mario Tennis | also on: GameCube |
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption | |
Military Madness: Nectaris | |
MiniCopter Adventure Flight | |
Monster 4×4 | |
Monster 4×4: World Circuit | |
Monster Hunter Tri | |
Ended up not playing this much, as after finding myself enjoying it I bought Monster Hunter: World. When I'm in the mood for classic MonHun I play GU now. | |
Monster Jam: Urban Assault | |
MotoHeroz | |
Muscle March | |
No More Heroes | |
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle | |
Ocean Commander | |
Opoona | |
Pandora's Tower | |
Penny Racers Party: Turbo-Q Speedway | |
Pikmin 2 | also on: GameCube |
Pop'n Music | |
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 | |
Pub Darts | |
Red Steel 2 | |
Has some interesting features, the 1:1 sword movement being the big one, but it sits on a Ubisofty framework that makes it hard to like. | |
Reel Fishing: Ocean Challenge | |
リラックマ みんなでごゆるり生活 (Rilakkuma Everybody's Easy Life (?)) | |
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles | also on: PS3 |
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles | also on: PS3 |
Fun lightgun game by Cavia. Plays better with a pistol shell that the official 'zapper' one, as you have to have the nunchuck separate anyway. | |
Rock N' Roll Climber | |
Rodea the Sky Soldier | |
Rygar: The Battle of Argus | |
Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love | |
Samurai Shodown Anthology | |
Sega Superstars Tennis | |
This is really bad. Has non of the nice-feel of the Mario Tennis games. | |
Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure | |
Shaun White Skateboarding | |
Shaun White Snowboarding: World Stage | |
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories | |
SimCity Creator | |
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor | |
Skate It | |
Wii version of the Skate games. Only played it with the balance board, which is kinda cool 'cause the gestures to do tricks match pretty well. Turning feels like it has an odd sensitivity though. | |
Speed Racer: The Videogame | also on: PS2 |
Star Soldier R | |
Super Mario Galaxy | |
Super Mario Galaxy 2 | |
Surf's Up | |
太鼓の達人Wii (Taiko Master Wii, AKA Taiko No Tatsujin Wii) | |
太鼓の達人Wii ドドーンと2代目! (Taiko Master Wii: Do-Don and the 2nd. Generation!) | |
太鼓の達人Wii みんなでパーティ☆3代目! (Taiko Master Wii: Party with Everyone ☆ 3rd. Generation!) | |
太鼓の達人Wii 決定版 (Taiko Master Wii: Definitive Edition) | |
太鼓の達人Wii 超ごうか版 (Taiko Master Wii: Super Version) | |
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars | |
Tenchu: Shadow Assassin | |
東京フレンドパークⅡ決定版~みんなで挑戦!体感アトラクション~ (Tokyo Friend Park 2) | |
Tomena Sanner | |
Virtua Tennis 4 | |
Walk It Out | |
Balance board game where you walk round a park, getting awarded points for each step in time with the music. You use those points to buy island decoration like fountains and light posts. Disappointed that the decorations appear at set locations though, was hoping I could place stuff wherever I wanted. | |
Water Sports | |
We Ski | |
Wii Music | |
Wii Play | |
Wii Play: Motion | |
Wii Sports | |
Wii Sports Resort | |
Wing Island | |
Kinda okay kinda-PilotWingsy thing. Fly round an island doing goals. | |
Xenoblade Chronicles | |
Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure | |
斬撃のREGINLEIV (Slashing Reginleiv) | |
This game is pretty good. Like a smaller-scale EDF (same developer!: Sandlot) game with a fantasy setting, and fun motion controls. I particularly like the feeling of hanging-back and firing arrows at crowds as they approach—really elicits a good feeling of standing your ground. | |
See Also
nintendo_wii_notes.1646103797.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/01 14:03 by rjt