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(and Atom)

I'm currently using Thunderbird for RSS, subscribing to a small amount of feeds, and filtering heavily. I got tired of having heaps of feed subscriptions, felt like a job that same way social media does.

RSS Readers


  • News Cycle - RSS-as-slideshow viewer you can build into your website.


Not bothering with things you can't host yourself. RSSMix is a popular free service that doesn't seem to be doing anything fishy, but it goes down a bunch.


Planets are a barely-surviving form of web-viewable RSS aggregations. Typically sites would have a 'planet' subdomain, and that page would render results for a number of feeds on a particular topic. Pretty common for Linux and programmery news.

Active planets I've found (and that I find at least half-interesting):

Yahoo Pipes

Yahoo Pipes was a web-based GUI thing you could use to (visually) script stuff. I used it to filter and combine various RSS feeds into one. Yahoo shut it down, but here're some similar projects.


Websites that don't support RSS

For websites that don't have RSS feeds you can use thee tools to generate them:

Websites that maliciously don't support RSS

I assume to encourage you to make an account. In my experience tend to be shit websites I don't want to use! But they have people/things I want to keep track of :(


  • e-flux
  • Facebook
  • Soundcloud
  • Twitter


  • rss-bridge - Supports heaps of places, and people also contribute. Need to host, but there are plenty of websites setup that run it already. EG:
  • - Very straightforward, enter someone's Twitter username and get an RSS feed. Also does Twitter searches.
  • Queryfeed - Does Twitter, Facebook, Google+. Has a bunch more options. For examples get a feed of tags. Didn't like the Facebook page I fed it.
  • getrssfeed - Soundcloud and iTunes. RSS-Bridge doesn't work for Soundcloud for me, but this fills the gap!
  • IFTTT - Is a general tool for automating communication between programs. Somethings it helps here. Not a fan though.
  • FetchRSS - General, needs registration.
  • Selfoss - I think this in actually an RSS reader?
  • RSS Box - Nice and clear, supports lots of different places.
  • Huginn - Like IFTTT, a general automation tool that can be used to generate RSS feeds.
  • Kill the Newsletter! - Slightly different, turns E-mail newsletters into RSS feeds.
  • Open RSS - Haven't tried it, but seems similar to RSS Bridge (maybe it is?)
Personal Requirements
  • Feeds are editable after creation (excludes non-signup ones I guess).
  • Not dodgey.
  • Maybe self-hosted, or even just a script I can build a page around.

See Also

rss.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/19 17:46 by rjt