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Netgear Router


Mounting on Linux

Helps for mounting a drive connected to a Netgear Router in Linux.

  1. To see if/how it's connected

    In my case it's READYSHARE

  2. Then to get the IP address of the device use
    nmblookup [hostname(readyshare)]
  3. Then you need to add things to your fstab to get it to mount at launch
    sudo vim /etc/fstab
    //[ip]/[directory(USB_Storage)]  /mnt/[dir]  cifs  user,guest,uid=[user],sec=ntlm,_netdev  0  0
  4. Then this to mount it if you don't wanna wait for a reboot
    sudo mount -a
netgear_router.1603593157.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/25 13:32 by rjt