The BB Browser (Working Title)
Software for browsing documents online, focused on readability.
Would support (a subset of) HTML, Gemini, Gopher, Markdown, PDF, Plaintext, and maybe others?
Inspirations, things to look at are:
- IE what elements it is using and how it deals with problems
- I don't necessarily want to put to much effort into supporting badly made websites though, tbh
- The Kristall 'small-Internet' browser MasterQ32/kristall
- I like the layout with document outline on the left, document in the middle, and history and bookmarks on the right (see this image with a massive filename).
- tbh it's almost perfect
- The Dat-based scientific papers reader sciencefair-land/sciencefair
- The way it extracts and displays figures is interesting.
HTML Subset
- h*
- ol, li, dl
- abbr
- main, section, article, aside, nav…
- audio and video
- base
- a and target
- q and blockquote
- pre and code
- table stuff
- dfn
- em, strong
- figure
- cite
- del / ins
- kbd
- mark
- meter (now there's a new one to me!)
- samp
- details / summary
- time
- css?
- stuff like divs and spans
- js, canvas
- form stuff?
- i, b (but maybe need to for olds sake?)
- iframe
- image maps
- slot
- Show document outline, built from heading hierarchy
- Show documents' metadata: author, title, keywords, description, last edit date
- Bookmarks, history
- View source, download
- …
bbbrowser.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/11 15:37 by rjt