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Roland TR-8

Don't worry, no one else likes the green either.


I've started using Reaper to sequence the TR-8. Makes it less fuss to save and backup presets, lets you store knob positions, lets you change those values over time.

FIXME → Add the .INS and other files I use.


I can't remember where I got the info for the accent, delay, and reverb notes, but IIRC they did work when I sent through Reaper.

This is for TR8s with the 7×7 upgrade.

12 Accent
14 Reverb
16 Delay
35 Bass Drum 2
36 Bass Drum
37 Rim Shot
38 Snare Drum
39 Hand Clap
40 Snare Drum 2
42 Closed Hi-hat
43 Low Tom
46 Open Hi-hat
47 Mid Tom
49 Crash Cymbal
50 High Tom
51 Ride Cymbal
54 Tambourine
56 Cow Bell

Control Change Messages

All of the controls are accessible via MIDI CC messages. These are:

9 Shuffle
12 Ext. In Level
13 Ext. In Side Chain
16 Delay Level
17 Delay Time
18 Delay Feedback
20 BD Tune
21 BD Attack
22 BD Comp
23 BD Decay
24 BD Level
25 SD Tune
26 SD Snappy
27 SD Comp
28 SD Decay
29 SD Level
46 LT Tune
47 LT Decay
48 LT Level
49 MT Tune
50 MT Decay
51 MT Level
52 HT Tune
53 HT Decay
54 HT Level
55 RS Tune
56 RS Decay
57 RS Level
58 HC Tune
59 HC Decay
60 HC Level
61 CH Tune
62 CH Decay
63 CH Level
68 Scatter Type
69 Scatter Depth
70 Scatter SW
71 Accent
80 OH Tune
81 OH Decay
82 OH Level
83 CC Tune
84 CC Decay
85 CC Level
86 RC Tune
87 RC Decay
88 RC Level
89 Reverb Time
90 Reverb Gate
91 Reverb Level



On a drum kit a flam is when you hit a drum with both sticks almost at the same time.

You can add flams on the TR-8 by holding TR-REC then hit the step you want to add it on.

Holding TR-REC and turning the dial will let you set the timing too. I think that's global for all flams.

Ghost Notes

Ghost notes are extra samples you can use for you selected drum. Depending on the kit you're using they can be really different. To use, just hold down the the instruments button (the one under the slider: BD, SD, LT, etc.).


The 'DRUM SELECT' section lets you select different drums and drum kits (and effects; see §Effects).

  1. pink: 808
  2. yellow: 909
  3. pink: 808 (alternate, with maracas, clave, and congas instead of clap, rim shot and toms)
  4. orange: 707
  5. blue: 727
  6. yellow: 909 (alternate)

To change kits over MIDI send a program change (PC) command with the number of the kit (0-15).


As well as using STEP to have reverb and delay only on certain steps, you can can limit them to certain instruments (very handy!). Press KIT, then hold STEP on reverb or delay, then toggle things on and off with their buttons under the sliders.

You can also use different reverbs and delays. Go into instrument mode (INST), then press STEP in the reverb or delay areas and select them with the pads.


  1. Non-attack
  2. Room
  3. 16 note pre delay
  4. Plate and filter (manual)
  5. Plate and filter (auto)
  6. Spring
  7. Non-attack and metal
  8. High pass


  1. One head tape
  2. Three head tape
  3. Digital single delay
  4. Digital pan delay
  5. Reverse single delay
  6. Reverse pan delay
  7. Stereo flanger
  8. Bit crusher

Sidechains (External In):

  1. Sin curve
  2. Square curve
  3. Saw squared curve
  4. Square gate
  5. Sin very short curve
  6. Saw squared long curve
  7. Square short gate
  8. Up down curve

See also:

?6 delays, 8 reverbs, 8 sidechain types, as well as a scatter section, flanger and a bit crusher.


To enter settings hold PTN SELECT when turning on, and keep held until it's booted. From there:


Hold DEPTH and rotate the SCATTER dial to select from different colours for the lights. When selected let go of DEPTH and hit START/STOP

  1. Standard red, orange yellow, blue
  2. Dimmer version of standard
  3. Dimmed blue, purple, pink, peach
  4. Two alternating brightness greens
  5. Dimmed white, red, green, white
  6. Dimmed pink, purple, peach, blue

MIDI Clock

When booted into settings, if the first button is unlit it will use it's own clock.

Press first button to sync to devices plugged into 'MIDI IN', or USB.

Also, if the second button is lit you can use the MIDI OUT like a MIDI THRU. This means it will pass-through MIDI signals from MIDI IN without effecting them. Usually hardware has ports for IN, OUT, and THRU.

I guess it always sends clock via MIDI OUT?

Press START/STOP to save any changes you make.

Output Channel

Instead of send all the instruments to both channels you can send particular ones (including the external in/s) to particular channels, allowing you to mix them differently.

After booting into settings hold the A and B buttons to assign things.

Anything not assigned will go to the regular mix output. If you take advantage of panning, by panning things completely to the left or right, this effectively gives you four outputs.


By the default the volume is boosted. I'd found myself getting lots of distortion.

You can disable the boost by deselecting Step 3 (AKA Low Tom).

See Also


You can check your firmware by holding 14 and 16 which powering on. When on press start/stop and the version will be displayed in the tempo window.

Release notes are:

Updating works fine with Linux (they only mention Windows and Mac), you're just putting it into a mode where the OS will see it as a storage device and moving a file over.

See Also

roland_tr-8.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/29 19:19 by rjt