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is an overnight, Australian, music video show that's been running since 1987. No annoying hosts, just interesting selections of videos. Always had a low-budget DIY feel. You could make a video, put it on a Betamax tape, and get it played some time Friday night.

The best part is the guest programmers; a band or artist of whatever comes in and play whatever videos they want for a few hours on Saturday nights. Then they schedule a bunch of their videos after. Used to love taping them as a teen, hoping the three-hour limit would catch everything good.

Great to watch after a night out. Would play a game where you say if none of the next three videos are any good you'd go to bed.


  • Seeing the video for Loverman with the vague memory that Nick Cave was Australian, and being surprised about it and how wild it was.
  • A live version of a Bee Gees song that was sung so badly by Barry it had an amazing sweaty punk atmosphere. In my memory it was at a festival with a big screen behind, but I've found a 1976 TV special with the same white outfits I remember and sweaty, straining falsetto that is probably it. Might be conflating it with the 1988 Nelson Mandela concert. Might be this '99 one too—
  • Seeing, and instantly falling in love with, Like and Eagle by Dennis Parker in 2012(?)
  • Plus all those ant-memories: videos I saw once, was fascinated by, and never saw again.

DIY Rage

Always wanted to be a guest programmer on Rage when I was a teen, wanted to look through that big book of music videos.

Easiest way to grab videos is to use Youtube-dl to download things from Youtube.

At Home

I've been slowly setting up Kodi (which I already use for watching movies) as a music video jukebox kinda thing.

See: kodi#music_video


See Also

rage.1631740656.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/16 07:17 by rjt