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Videogame Values

The value of things, according to videogames.

I'd like this to eventually be a site/database that people could submit entries to.


'relative score' is the value of the item compared to everything else in the same game. formula: ???

Mb add a column for general category: fruit, soft drink, etc.

Mb add a column for rank, as in a number from 1 to n.

Game Item Points Relative Score Note
Pac-Man Cherry 100
Pac-Man Strawberry 300
Pac-Man Orange 500
Pac-Man Apple 700
Pac-Man Melon 1000
Pac-Man Galaxian Flagship 2000
Pac-Man Bell 3000
Pac-Man Key 5000
Ms. Pac-Man Strawberry 200
Ms. Pac-Man Pretzel 700
Ms. Pac-Man Apple 1000
Ms. Pac-Man Pear 2000
Ms. Pac-Man Banana 5000
Pac-Man Plus Cola 100
Pac-Man Plus Cocktail 300
Pac-Man Plus Pea Pod 500
Pac-Man Plus Apple 700
Pac-Man Plus Grapes 1000
Pac-Man Plus Galaxian Flagship 2000
Pac-Man Plus Bread 3000
Pac-Man Plus Pancakes 5000
Jr. Pac-Man Tricycle 100
Jr. Pac-Man Kite 200
Jr. Pac-Man Drum 500
Jr. Pac-Man Balloon 700
Jr. Pac-Man Train 1000
Jr. Pac-Man Cat 2000
Jr. Pac-Man Root Beer 5000
SonSon II Cherry 1 Gives currency rather than score
SonSon II Orange 5 Gives currency rather than score
SonSon II Grapes 10 Gives currency rather than score
SonSon II Apple 50 Gives currency rather than score
SonSon II Watermelon 100 Gives currency rather than score
SonSon II Lemon 500 Gives currency rather than score
SonSon II Strawberry 1000 Gives currency rather than score
SonSon II Corn 50
SonSon II Chestnut 100
SonSon II Capsicum 200
SonSon II Bamboo shoot 500

Game Notes

videogame_values.1684303259.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/17 16:00 by rjt