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Sega Mega Drive
- The Best Version of the Genesis - Buying guide on Retro RGB.
- GUIDE: Telling apart good Genesis 1s and Genesis 2s from bad ones. - Buying guide on the Sega-16 forum, has most hardware variants.
- Buying Guide - Buying guide on Console Mods. Detailed, with lots of photos.
- I want the best audio chip.
- I want 60Hz.
- I want the best compatibility, but this is almost universal.
- I prefer the original design to the Mega Drive 2.
- I don't want to have to mod shit.
- Step-down aren't needed, can just buy AU AC adaptor.
- Not super fussed about video quality. All support RGB, some models I don't want anyway have jailbars.
The basic, foolproof, guide is: If you're buying a Genesis get a Model 1 with the EXP port on the back. If you're getting a Japanese Mega Drive get one with the text 'AV Intelligent Terminal' 'High Grade Multipurpose Use' on it. Don't buy a PAL one. If you want to fuss over details and try to get a bargain check the guides linked.
sega_mega_drive_notes.1732702505.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/27 21:15 by rjt