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Nice Linux file manager


Custom Actions

You can add custom actions to the right-click menu (context menu). To define them, create a .desktop file in ~/.local/share/file-manager/actions/.

NB: these are also compatible with the Nautilus file manager.


Open directory or file/s in batch renaming tool GPRename:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Batch rename...
[X-Action-Profile open]
Exec=gprename %f

Custom Openers

FIXME: Probably a proper name for these, I just made this up.

You can also set custom commands to launch for specific files via

right-click > 'Open With…' 'Custom Command Line', and then entering commands and giving it a name.

I have one to mount .iso files, which is really handy:

udisksctl loop-setup -f %f

Found that here:


See Also


Like Thunar, and I think other GTK file managers, you can add support for generating thumbnails for additional kinds of files using Tumbler (not Tumblr!; dunno why not Thumbler). To add custom things to Tumbler you just put a little text file in /usr/share/thunmbnailers, which is similar to to a .desktop file. I haven't tested if ~/.local/share/thumbnailers works.

My favourite thing to add is support for generating folder icons for directories of music and films, based on folder.jpg found inside. This is a thing Windows does by default, and it's nice to have it back. You just need an additional script to tell it how to get the images.

See Also

pcmanfm.1671349871.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/18 18:51 by rjt