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MPD (Music Player Daemon) is a light-weight server for streaming music.

Notes on Clients

  • ncmpcpp - Curses-based client that seems more full-featured than any of the available GUI ones. Good tag management, which includes being Picard-friendly. I think you still need something like Mplayer to actually hear the audio though, unless I'm not getting something?
  • MPDroid - It's the only Android client in F-Droid that works on my old tablet (Android 4.4).



Notes on using MPD on a QNAP TS-231P. Setup to work on my local network only.

I used this package from a third-party repository (see: Install our repository, if needed).

The files you need are in /opt/MPD/, to start you'll want to get into the config. file at /opt/MPD/etc/mpd.conf

)It's also worth mentioning that the error log file is at /opt/MPD/var/log/mpd/mpd.log)

A lot of the defaults of fine, but:

  • Check your music_directory and playlist_directory
  • Check your user
  • I can't remember what was set initially, but you can comment out bind_to_address, as the default works.
  • Review log_level, gapless_mp3_playback, restore_paused, save_absolute_paths_in_playlists, auto_update.
  • Check the password stuff.
  • I'm not sure what the input plugins are really about yet.
  • audio_output depends on your usage. My NAS has no soundcard, so I disabled ALSA and enabled HTTPD. If you want to use it to host an Internet accessable stream look at Shout. Yo ucan have multiple, and select which are active with your client.
    • Give your stream a fun name :)
    • Check the quality settings.
    • Default format was only mono! Change it to “44100:16:2”
    • And the rest of the file is up to you again.
    • If you don't want your output to be resampled you can add and set to “no” auto_resample, auto_channels, and auto_format

When the config's ready you can start or restart MPD through the NAS's web interface, or through running ./mpd –kill from /opt/MPD/bin (it will restart itself).

You don't need to forward ports unless you want to access MPD from outside the local network.


Got stuck on this for a bit because it's weird. .m3u8 playlists don't seem to work, but no big deal. More annoying and unusual is that if the paths in the playlist are relative it uses the configured music directory as the bas instead of the playlist directory.

See Also

mpd.1620361512.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/07 14:25 by rjt