also known as: Volfiers, Qixsimile, Galsclones, Qix-Qats, Qix-alikes
A Qixote is a videogame where a player must claim an area of the screen (playfield, board) by containing it within a drawn shape. Sides of this shape will consist of the border of the playfield, and/or shapes drawn previously. There will be a large (boss) enemy moving around the unclaimed space who will damage a player if it touches an in-progress line; as well as enemies who travel along the finished lines, who will damage a player on collision. Once a set percentage (75% in standard Qix) of the playfield is claimed a new level begins, and difficulty increases by the variance of factors such as boss speed, type, and quantity; location of powerups; background image; and so on.
Popular variations have the claimed areas revealing an image, which is factored into progression and scoring mechanisms to various degrees; and sometimes bonus points, and powerups (speed increases, ability to shoot, shields, and so forth).
(Ordered chronologically)
Porn-themed Qix clones, where the incentive to clear each screen is to expose the naked girl underneath. Most of these share common characteristics, such as altered photos of people like Saddam Hussein and Arnold Schwarzenegger used to represent the player, and a bizarre “TURN” feature that replaces the girl with an ugly monster or gory scene if the player performs poorly.
A lot of the titles in this section are cheap, Popcap-style, games churned out for the so-called casual market. Many are playable online via an Internet browser.
† Not officially related to Xonix
‡ Yes!, there are two unrelated games called Space Xonix. One from 2002, one from 2015 (and it's on Steam).
These games are really similar to Qix-alikes, with the exception that there is a grid on the playing field, and the player can only move along the lines of the grid, and only capture the squares that the grid forms.
Structured differently, but take some mechanical inspiration.