Just noticed that my date's been set wrong. Fixing was easy enough, see: tips:timezone.
If your template supports it, you can add a 'sidebar' by creating a page called 'sidebar' and adding something to it. A common thing to do is use the indexmenu plugin to display a list of pages.
If you use the tag plugin the sidebar goes missing on tag pages. A workround for this is to edit your wiki's theme, which is what controls when the sidebar appears.
For the default theme, find a line that says
$showSidebar = $hasSidebar && ($ACT=='show');
And tell it to also display the sidebar on pages that use showtag
, so it reads:
$showSidebar = $hasSidebar && ($ACT=='show' || $ACT == 'showtag');
See also: dokufreaks/plugin-tag/issues/125
Customising the shortcuts and icons for interwiki links involves three steps:
,rm -rf data/cache/*/*.{gif,png,css}
from the wiki's base directory.※ I think it looks best if you don't fill the bottom two pixels of your icon, so they sit on the same line as the text.