Table of Contents


I run Lubuntu on an old laptop I have, that I mostly use for watching films with Kodi. I'm not very used to Debian/Ubuntu flavours, so I'm making lots of notes.

Useful Commands


When there's a new proper version of the distro things get a little trickier sometimes, especially if you haven't updated in ages.


I ran into a problem where it wouldn't update from 15.10 to 17.10 becaues for some reason it was set to only upgrade to LTS releases (fine), but I was somehow on a non-LTS! This was easy enough to change in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades



Adding these lines to /etc/apt/sources.list auto picks the closest mirrors when updating.

deb mirror:// precise main restricted universe multiverse
deb mirror:// precise-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb mirror:// precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb mirror:// precise-security main restricted universe multiverse