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Fighters Destiny Series

A series of two fighting games by Genki for the N64. I haven't played the second one!

The game's Designer, Masahiro Onoguchi, also made a spiritual successor for Sega called Toy Fighter.

Identifying Elements


The Fighters Destiny games are 3-D fighters. As was typical of the time they're played mostly on a 2-D plane, with 3-D movement options, Tekken-like move strings, combos, counters, ring-outs, and so on. What makes the series memorable, and something that is yet to be mimicked (or built upon [unfortunately]), is how a match's victor is decided. Differing amounts of points are awarded for ring-outs (1), throws (2), depleting the life bar (3), and performing a counter attack, or special moves (4). Earning points restarts the round, a match is decided when five points are won. The amount of points allocated can also be changed, as can the amount required for a win.


Most of the characters are shared between the two games, though some of their names change (at least in the English version…)—see chart below.

Fighters Destiny Fighter Destiny 2 Notes
Abdul Abdul
Bob D-Dog
Boro Kate
NA Cherry
NA Dixon
NA Fabien
Joker NA
Leon Federico Swapped nationalities (Spanish to Italian)
NA Master
Meiling Meiling
Ninja Ninja
Pierre Pierre
Ryuji Saeki
NA Samurai
Tomahawk Zeige
Ushi Mou
Valerie Adriana Different character model, same moveset


Selected staff credits, compared between games, with notes on anything interesting I encounter.

According to MobyGames, the two games have 15 staff in common, notably:

The game designer on Fighters Destiny, Masahiro Onoguchi, also directed a fighter with a similar points system called Toy Fighter for the Sega NAOMI arcade system!, as well as 'motion design' on games like Tekken, Virtua Fighter 4, and Tobal No. 1.

See Also

See Also