====== Wine ======
===== Tweaks =====
==== Copy / Paste ====
To be able to copy and paste things between Linux and Wine programs I had to add a key to the registry. The easiest way to do that is by making a ''.reg'' file with the following content:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver]
And then adding it with: ''wine regedit {filename}.reg''
==== Disable Crash Dialogues ====
When using [[Lutris]] I get a lot of anooying 'crash' dialogue, even though no problems seem to actually be occuring. To fix this you can run---
sh winetricks nocrashdialog
---from the terminal to disable them.
You can also do it by editing the Windows registry:
* [[https://wiki.winehq.org/FAQ#How_do_I_disable_the_GUI_crash_dialog.3F]]
==== Fonts ====
By default support for other character sets can be missing. You can install more fonts via ''winecfg'', or use your normal package manager.
Wine looks for fonts in:
* ''/usr/share/fonts'' (system-wide fonts)
* ''/usr/share/wine/fonts'' (wine-specific)
* ''~/local/.fonts'' (user-specific fonts)
* ''C:\Windows\Fonts'' within your Wine system. Actually somehwere in ''~/.wine/...'' by default
==== Default Prefix ====
The default prefix/bottle/what-have-you is located at ''~/.wine''. [[software_that_doesnt_support_xdg|If you don't like things cluttering your home directory]] you can change this with an environment variable:
Put, say, ''export WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/wine/prefix/default'' in your ''.bashrc'' file.
==== .desktop files ====
Wine likes to dump a bunch of useless .desktop files ...
* https://wiki.winehq.org/FAQ#How_can_I_prevent_Wine_from_changing_the_filetype_associations_on_my_system_or_adding_unwanted_menu_entries.2Fdesktop_links.3F
When making your own .desktop
Path=[full path to directory with your program in it]
Exec=env WINEPREFIX=[full path to a wine prefix if you're not using the default one] wine [.EXE file you want to run]
===== Errors and Fixes =====
> This application could not be started. You must enable the .NET Framework from Windows Features dialog box (from Control Panel, choose Programs, Turn Windows features on or off).
* Fix: ''winetricks dotnet20''
* Source: https://askubuntu.com/questions/983544/how-to-enable-net-framework-after-install-the-net-framework
===== See Also =====
* [[wp>Wine (software)]]
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