====== VLC ====== Did you know: You can launch VLC in a CLI mode with ''cvlc'', and an [[ncurses]] interface with ''nvlc''. ===== Video Capture ===== To capture video from my webcam I: - Use [[tool:software:alsamixer]] to make sure the mic volume's on/up :) - ''Media > Open Capture Device'' (or ''Ctrl+c'') - Make sure things are setup in ''Capture Mode'', ''Video Device Name'' and ''Audio Device Name''. - Instead of ''Play'' you want ''Capture'' ===== MIDI ===== [[MIDI]] support is not included in [[arch>vlc|the regular VLC package]] in [[Arch Linux]]. Supposedly it's included in [[aur>vlc-git|the git version of the package]] in the [[AUR]], but that's not currently building for me because of a [[Lua]] problem. ===== Disable Autoplay ===== By default VLC will play the next thing in a playlist automatically. I needed to temporarily disable this when listening to a bunch of sound effects, so the next one would only play when you either double-clicked it, or pressed next. Tools > Preferences > Playlist > Play and pause o-> If you can't find 'Playlist' you're probably in the 'Simple' view. Check the radio buttons in the bottom left. ===== Plug-ins ===== VLC doesn't have built-in support for [[Pipewire]] yet, but you can add it with [[https://www.remlab.net/vlc-plugin-pipewire/|vlc-plugin-pipewire]] ([[aur>vlc-plugin-pipewire]]). After installing you just need to go into the audio tab in preferences and set Pipewire as your output device. {{tag>audio guide video-capture software}}