===== Tips =====
* You can can copy files over with scp.scp [file path] [user]@[host]:[destination path]
* You can also use wget to download things from the WWW. Leave the '-O [destination path]' out to just download to the current folder.wget -O [destination path] "[file path]"
===== IRC =====
FIXME((Add guide to tunnelling SSH session so you can use the IRC channel when not logged in))
Best bet with IRC is to use something like [[wp>GNU_Screen|Screen]] or [[wp>Tmux|]] so you can still access the chat when you're not logged in.
So first thing is to start Screen and Weechat:
screen chat
You may also want to set the timezone to match your local time, rather than the server's time. you can use the 'TZ' environment variable for that:
TZ='Australia/Melbourne' screen chat
Once you're in sign into the channels you want, then press Ctrl+a then d to 'detach'. (Typing screen -r will reattach, screen -ls will list all sessions).
==== Bots ====
* [[http://tilde.town/~caff/ircbots/]]
{{tag>community tilde linux guide}}