====== Syncthing ======
**Syncthing** is a tool for syncing files and folders between computers without the need for a central server or host. I've been using it to replace what I used to use [[Nextcloud]] and/or [[Owncloud]] for.
===== Setup =====
==== .stignore ====
//Somewhat// like ''[[git#.gitignore]]'' with a slightly different syntax; ''.stignore'' tells Syncthing which files you don't want to keep synced on that particular machine.
A quirk seems to be that the ''*'' needs to be last?
In ''.gitignore'' I often start by ignoring ever thing, then adding the few things I want to include:
But to do the same in ''.stignore'' I have to:
=== See Also ===
* [[https://docs.syncthing.net/users/ignoring.html]]
===== Android =====
On Android I use what is called 'Syncthing-Fork' on [[F-Droid]]. It adds some useful features over the official Android version.
* [[github>Catfriend1/syncthing-android]]
* [[https://f-droid.org/packages/com.github.catfriend1.syncthingandroid/|f-droid.org/packages/com.github.catfriend1.syncthingandroid]]
==== Error (folder marker missing) ====
I've had this off-again on-again problem where a particular folder won't sync., showing the error message 'Error (folder marker missing)'. Once this was solved just because syncthing-fork was out of date, but today I had to install [[Simple File Manager Pro]] from F-Droid (as they recommend), and then go to the synced. folder and manually create the file ''.stfolder''. This is supposed to happen automatically on upgrading.
* [[github>syncthing/syncthing/issues/891#issuecomment-59941605]]
* [[github>syncthing/syncthing-android/issues/168#issuecomment-59697596]]
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