====== QOwnNotes ====== **QOwnNotes** (QON) is a program for organising and syncing 'notes' / text files. By default it uses [[markdown]], but you can use plain ol' TXT files too. It can convert them to [[PDF]] and [[html]] (but the markup is a bit ugmo). It has built-in support for syncing to [[owncloud]] and [[nextcloud]]. You can pretty easily extend it's functionality with scripting. Styling the HTML previews is a pain for [[QT]]-related reasons! I use it a lot!, and sync stuff between computers and my phone with [[syncthing]]. ---- **2020 Update:** I feel like I would be better served by something else. I don't actually care about [[markdown]], so rarely look at the preview (except for tables). The main feature I like having is the list of all my notes on the left, and the easiness of searching and creating notes. Also the lack of support for [[todo.txt]] really bugs me. Still, I don't want to waste time searching for something new now. **2021 Update:** Still using it daily. I don't use [[todo.txt]], but do wish it handled not-markdown text files. ---- ===== Keyboard Shortcuts ===== ; Ctrl+↑/↓ : Scroll document, keeping cursor in place. ; Ctrl+Shift+↑/↓ : Move line or selected lines up or down. ; Ctrl+d : Duplicate line. ===== Syntax ===== ==== Linking to other notes ==== You can link to other notes by using ''note:%%//%%'' within a regular Markdown link, for example ''[link-text](note:%%//%%note-you're-linking-to)''. You don't have to specify the folder it's in, if it's in one. More recently the syntax '''' / ''[Text](My note.md)'' | '' / [Text](My subfolder/My note.md)'' has been added. ==== Styling ==== You can insert [[html]] into [[markdown]]; so you could, for example, add a ''