====== Pacman ====== **Pacman** is the package management tool that comes with [[arch_linux]]. It is very important to change the progress bar to look like Pacman eating dots. You do this by editing ''/etc/pacman.conf'', adding the line 'ILoveCandy' to the ''[options] > # Misc options'' section. Make sure you have colour enabled too. ===== Usage ===== I'll leave out the basics like ''-Syu'', ''-S'', ''-Ss'' and ''-Rsn''((But hey, in case you didn't know what the ''s'' and ''n'' are doing there: ''s'' include deps. not needed by anything else, ''n'' also ditches config. files (but not the ones in your home directory))); here're some ones I don't use as much / forget, but are real useful. ''-S [group name]-{[name1],name2],[etc]}'' ''-Qs'' ''-Ql'' ''-Qo [/path/to/file_name]'' ''Q'' does stuff on installed packages, you can replace with ''F'' to do the same actions on stuff you haven't installed. I also have an alias for my helper, so I type ''pact -[flags]'' to do stuff. ===== Tips ===== ==== Maintenance ==== === .pacnew === There are tools to manage ''.pacnew'' files that are created when core config files are updated. * [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman/Pacnew_and_Pacsave#Managing_.pac*_files|Managing .pac* files]] I just use [[vim#vimdiff]] to check difference between the current and new files. You could also just use ''vim -d [file] [file]''. ''Ctrl+w [left or right arrow]'' to switch window, btw. You can get a nice list of ''.pacnew''s with ''find /etc -regextype posix-extended -regex ".+\.pac(new|save)" 2> /dev/null'' === Freeing Space === To clear Pacman's cache ''pacman -Sc''. You can use Paccache (in [[arch>community/x86_64/pacman-contrib/pacman-contrib/|pacman-contrib]]) to have better control over what you do with cached packages. Egs.: ''paccache -rk 2'' will delete everything except the last two versions of a package. ''paccache -ruk0'' will remove everything for packages that are no longer installed. To find orphan packages ''pacman -Qdt'' ==== Converting Packages ==== === DEB === == Debtap == Can convert a .deb package into a PKGBUILD with one tool. Real simple to use. Usage: - ''# debtap -u'' when you first run it to get the database up to date - ''$ debtap -p [deb file]'' to make the PKGBUILD * [[github>helixarch/debtap]] * [[aur>debtap]] == deb2targz == * [[aur>deb2targz]] === RPM === ==== Speeding Up Package Building ==== * [[archw>Makepkg]] * [[archw>Makepkg#Improving_compile_times]] * [[archw>Makepkg#Utilizing_multiple_cores_on_compression]] ===== Fixes ===== ==== Keys ==== If you get errors about keys (and things like files being corrupt), try updating ''archlinux-keyring'' before doing a full update. EG: (''sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring && sudo pacman -Su''. You might want to chuck that in an alias. nbjp [[https://monthly-reports.archlinux.page/2022/07/|Apparently Arch now updates the keyring weekly]]. I was getting this error: ''warning: Public keyring not found; have you run 'pacman-key --init'?'' which was mucking up the upgrade process. These steps fixed it: - ''sudo rm -r /etc/pacman.d/gnupg'' - ''sudo pacman-key --init'' - ''sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux'' - ''sudo pacman -S archlinux-keyring'' ==== AUR ==== === .SRCINFO and PKGBUILD mismatch === Errors like :: [package name] package(s) failed to install. :: ensure package version does not mismatch between .SRCINFO and PKGBUILD :: ensure package name has a VCS suffix if this is a devel package Are a [[pacaur]] problem, and can get gotten round by installing manually, or by using another helper [[trizen]] and [[yay]] seem to be the helpers to go for now. ==== Missing Files in Pacman Database ==== Just ran into a little problem where a disk error took out a bit of my pacman database. This was giving me an error about a ''desc'' file every time I ran pacman, and blocking some parts of the process. using ''--force'' to reinstall the package didn't help, and I also was unable to remove it. Thanks to [[https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1724969#p1724969|this post]] I solved it by deleting the packages directory in ''/var/lib/pacman/local'', and reinstalled the database only with ''pacman -U --dbonly [package].pkg.tar.xz'' ==== Broken Pacman After Partial Upgrade ==== When doing a partial upgrade to get my keyring in order before a proper upgrade I mistakenly upgraded pacman too. This ca'us an error where the version of glibc that pacman needed was out of whack with the one I had installed, so pacman would not work at all. To fix this I downloaded a //static// version of pacman and ran a fresh ''# pacman -Syu'' and that fixed everything. See: https://old.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/lz7777/pacman_broken_due_to_glibc/ ===== See Also ===== * [[arch_linux]] {{tag>fixes linux software package-manager}}