====== Media Player ====== Small piece of hardware connectable to TVs, projectors, etc., for playing video files. Commonly used in galleries. ===== DIY ===== ==== Raspberry Pi ==== Doing some research on making an easy-to-use alternative. Base point of comparison is the [[https://lupaplayer.com/|Lūpa]]. It's very plug-and-play---video loops automatically, and can automatically sync video between multiple boxes---based on a RPi, but is very expensive ($300)! Some links for now, will add notes: * [[github>adafruit/pi_video_looper]] * [[github>StevenHickson/RPiVideoLooper]] * [[github>RandomVertebrate/raspi-looper]] * [[github>timatron/videolooper-raspbian]] * [[github>turingmachine/omxplayer-sync]] * https://core-electronics.com.au/tutorials/raspberry-pi-video-looper.html * https://videolooper.de/ {{tag>hardware DIY raspberry-pi video}}