====== Gopher Browsers ====== Tools for getting at [[gopher]]holes. * [[github>jansc/ncgopher]] - Ncurses-based. * [[github>sloumdrone/burrow]] * [[Bombadillo]] - Terminal-based browser for all sorts of non-WWW protocols! * also: [[http://bombadillo.colorfield.space/|bombadillo.colorfield.space]] | [[tildegit>sloum/bombadillo]] | [[aur>bombadillo-git]] * [[https://www.floodgap.com/software/gophervr/|GopherVR]] - 3-D!! * also: [[aur>gophervr]] * [[Little Gopher Client]] - I like this one, just for the useful sidebar. Doesn't cope with some kinds of links though. Also it's done in Pascal, so it's on my to-do list of things to try contributing to. * also: [[http://runtimeterror.com/tools/gopher/|runtimeterror.com/tools/gopher]] * [[github>avysk/suck-o-rama]] * [[github>felixplesoianu/gophersnake]] * [[github>xvxx/gild]] * [[github>prologic/gopherclient]] * [[github>solderpunk/VF-1]] * [[https://thelambdalab.xyz/elpher/|Elpher]] - For [[Emacs]]. * [[https://felix.plesoianu.ro/mobile/pocket-gopher/|Pocket Gopher]] - For phones. * [[Kristall]] - Currently the main browser I used for [[Gemini]] and [[Gopher]]. GUI. * also: [[github>MasterQ32/kristall]] | [[aur>kristall]] ===== See Also ===== * gopher://tilde.town/0/~rjt/clients.txt * [[yt>WhzoIxNuwxs|A variety of Gopher clients on Windows 2000]] {{tag>browser gopher list recommendations}}