====== DokuWiki ====== ===== Setup ===== Just noticed that my date's been set wrong. Fixing was easy enough, see: [[doku>tips:timezone]]. ===== Customising ===== ==== Sidebar ==== If your template supports it, you can add a 'sidebar' by creating a page called 'sidebar' and adding something to it. A common thing to do is use the [[doku>plugin:indexmenu|indexmenu plugin]] to display a list of pages. If you use the [[doku>plugin:tag|tag plugin]] the sidebar goes missing on tag pages. A workround for this is to edit your wiki's theme, which is what controls when the sidebar appears. For the default theme, find a line that says $showSidebar = $hasSidebar && ($ACT=='show'); And tell it to also display the sidebar on pages that use ''showtag'', so it reads: $showSidebar = $hasSidebar && ($ACT=='show' || $ACT == 'showtag'); See also: [[github>dokufreaks/plugin-tag/issues/125]] ==== Interwiki Links ==== Customising the shortcuts and icons for interwiki links involves three steps: - Add the shortcut and syntax to ''conf/interwiki.local.conf'', - Add a 16×16 GIF or PNG image with the same name as your shortcut to ''lib/images/interwiki/'', - Refresh the wiki's cache by running ''rm -rf data/cache/*/*.{gif,png,css}'' from the wiki's base directory. nbjp I think it looks best if you don't fill the bottom two pixels of your icon, so they sit on the same line as the text. === See Also === * [[doku>Interwiki]] ===== Interesting Plug-ins ===== * [[doku>plugin:csv]] - Takes [[CSV]] files (or [[TSV]]) and displays them as wiki tables. * [[doku>plugin:table2csv]] - Export dokuwiki tables as CSV. * [[doku>plugin:edittable]] - Nicer table editor, though I never end up using it... * [[doku>plugin:sortablejs]] - Sort data in tables. * [[doku>plugin:definitionlist]] - [[https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/grouping-content.html#the-dl-element|Definition/description list]] markup. * [[doku>plugin:explain]] - Add a glossary. * [[doku>plugin:dir]] - Generates a list of pages in a namespace. * [[doku>plugin:pagelist]] - `` * [[doku>plugin:indexmenu]] - Also generates a list (in the form of a tree) of pages. * [[doku>plugin:imagebox]] - [[Mediawiki]]-style image captions. * [[doku>plugin:backlinks]] - Shows list of pages that link to the current page. 'Backlinks' are already built-in to dokuwiki, this is just a different way of presenting it. Default is as a regular list, but I've style it a bit nicer and put it in the footer here. * [[doku>plugin:tag]] - Tags! Also works with pagelist plug-in to insert lists of pages depending on how they're tagged. * [[doku>plugin:move]] - Makes it easy to move and rename pages and files without destroying edit history. * [[doku>plugin:cloud]] - Generate 'clouds' of tags and popular words. * [[doku>plugin:footer]] - Insert stuff below the regular page contents. Used on this wiki to show a bunch of tags with the [[doku>plugin:cloud]] plugin, and backlinks. * [[doku>plugin:cssperpage]] - Was thinking of making something like this myself. Seems useful if you want to use Dokuwiki to make a homepage, but I'm not fond of this implementation. * [[doku>plugin:confmanager]] - I haven't tried this, but seems to be an interface for changing things like interwiki links and abbreviations, without having to get into your server. * [[doku>plugin:folded]] - Hide and reveal section, like using the [[HTML]] [[https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interactive-elements.html#the-details-element|details element]]. * [[doku>plugin:stale]] - Easily refresh the wiki's cache. Handy after you've updated the footer, for example. * [[doku>plugin:diagram]] - Elaborate, grid-based diagrams, with a table-like syntax. * [[doku>plugin:flowcharts]] - Generate different kinds of flowcharts, with [[https://mermaid.js.org/|Mermaid]] syntax. ==== See Also ==== * [[tildegit>rjt/dokuwiki-tweaks-rjt|dokuwiki-tweaks-rjt]] - This wiki's customisations on Tildegit. {{tag>fixes recommendations wiki}}