====== Chocolatey ====== **Chocolatey** is a [[wp>package manager]] for Windows. It's a bit slow, but it's really handy if you want to keep your program installations and upgrades organised. I imagine it's especially great if you've a new computer and want to install a whole bunch of favourite programs. You install stuff from a command prompt, with commands like ''choco'' ''install''/''search''/''upgrade all'', etc (And there are shorter versions too, eg: ''cinst''). You can also give it a file which lists everything you want to install, autoconfirm prompts, and let it do it's thing; ===== Useful Commands ===== * In [[wp>Windows PowerShell]], ''set-executionpolicy [unrestricted|restricted]'' * ''search'' * ''install'' / ''cinst'' * ''uninstall'' / ''cuninst'' * ''upgrade all'' / ''cup all'' * ''list -localonly'' ===== Shortcut ===== I would keep this batch file on my desktop so I can run an update whenever: PowerShell -NoProfile -NoExit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Start-Process PowerShell.exe 'choco upgrade all' -Verb RunAs}" PAUSE You could also just run a [[powershell]] script directly, but I keep my ''executionpolicy restricted'' setting on, so scripts can't get through. Maybe that's paranaoid... ===== See Also ===== * [[wp>chocolatey]] * [[https://chocolatey.org/|chocolatey.org]] * [[https://chocolatey.org/packages|chocolatey.org/packages]] {{tag>software Windows}}