====== The BB Browser (Working Title) ====== Software for browsing documents online, focused on readability. Would support (a subset of) [[html]], [[gemini]], [[gopher]], [[markdown]], PDF, [[plaintext]], and maybe others? Inspirations, things to look at are: * [[firefox]]'s [[firefox#reader view]] * IE what elements it is using and how it deals with problems * I don't necessarily want to put to much effort into supporting badly made websites though, tbh * The [[Kristall]] 'small-Internet' browser [[github>MasterQ32/kristall]] * I like the layout with document outline on the left, document in the middle, and history and bookmarks on the right ([[https://camo.githubusercontent.com/370d961a71542f16258cc863ac4f3cc869f73886/68747470733a2f2f6d7133322e64652f7075626c69632f613530656633323766343135306438373033393362313938396335623431646234393562353666372e706e67|see this image with a massive filename]]). * tbh it's almost perfect * The [[dat]]-based scientific papers reader [[github>sciencefair-land/sciencefair]] * The way it extracts and displays //figures// is interesting. ===== HTML Subset ===== Support: * h* * ol, li, dl * abbr * main, section, article, aside, nav... * audio and video * base * a and target * q and blockquote * pre and code * table stuff * dfn * em, strong * figure * cite * del / ins * kbd * mark * meter (now there's a new one to me!) * samp * details / summary * time Ignore: * css? * stuff like divs and spans * js, canvas * form stuff? * i, b (but maybe need to for olds sake?) * iframe * image maps * slot ===== Features ===== * Show document outline, built from heading hierarchy * Show documents' [[metadata|metadata]]: author, title, keywords, description, last edit date * Bookmarks, history * View source, download * ... {{tag>software Internet project web-browser}}