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FreshRSS is an RSS reader you can self-host. I'm currently running it on my NAS, 'cause there's an easy package for it in the QNAP Club repo. The easiest way to set it up was with the SQL database, the other options took extra configuring from QApache.

FreshRSS gives you a web frontend you can keep in a tab in your browser. You can also enable support for the GReader and Fever APIs, which make it easy to use with other clients. I've found EasyRSS, which is on F-Droid, works well with GReader API enabled :)

Be warned that the documentation/help is very incomplete.

Adding Feeds

Full Article

It's obscured by the English translation, but you can get full articles from places like Blogger that only provide summeries.

When editing a feed scroll down to the 'Advanced' section, then find the field labelled 'Article CSS selector on original website'. You need to go to an article and find the HTML element that contains the content you want, than grab something unique you can use to identify it (an element, ID, or class) and add them to the field in the same format you would in a CSS file. So #whatever for an ID, and .whatever for a class. You can click the eye icon to get a preview.

Here're some ones I use:

  • Blogger: .post-body
  • Mastodon (with content warning): Haven't found one
  • Meanjin: article



To automatically refresh the feeds you have to use a cron job.

To do this on a QNAP NAS SSH into your server and add a line to the crontab file at /etc/config/crontab as described in their documentation: Automatic Feed Update.

On my NAS I use this line:

11 * * * * /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/FreshRSS/freshrss/app/actualize_script.php > /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/FreshRSS/FreshRSS.log 2>&1

Which updates the feeds at the eleventh minute of every hour and adds an entry to FRSS's log.

See Also


See Also

freshrss.1629431643.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/20 13:54 by rjt