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File Kinds

Here are some file kinds / types that I like, and ones I have some dirt on.


Was always intrigued by these files. Used for describing contents of archive sand folders.

Browser Extensions


Google Chrome extensions. The 'shop' doesn't let you just download them, so the only working solution I found was using the Chrome Extension Downloader website to grab them.

Programmy Stuffs


File for standardising preferences across text editors, things such as tab length, character format. Also handy for formatting on Github ;)


see §.gitignore in the page for Git.



Firefox still lets you add your own style rules, though I kinda suspect they'll ditch it one day :(

It lives at ~/.mozilla/[profile name]/chrome/userContent.css, though you might have to manually create the chrome directory, and the .css file yourself.

Mostly I use it to hide results from shit websites in DuckDuckGo searches, for example:

@-moz-document domain( {

	/*	Hide reults from particular domains	*/
	.result[data-domain=""], /* anti-adblocker */
	.result[data-domain=""], /* shifty, low quality */
	.result[data-domain=""], /* low quality */
	.result[data-domain=""] /* anti-adblocker */


Otherwise I'm just blocking a few pesky ads., and making basic, Web1.0-like pages a bit easier t oread with different colours and line heights.

see §Styling in the Firefox page.

file_kinds.1603593163.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/25 13:32 by rjt