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Contour ShuttleXpress


The ShuttleXpress is a hardware input device useful for controlling video and audio editing software. They can be configured for all sorts of uses though. A popular one seems to be media playback, but they could be a game controller, and so on.

It has seven kinds of input:

  1. An infinitely spinning dial with clicky movement. Good for stepping through a clip frame-by-frame.
  2. Another dial with limited movement that snaps back into place. Useful for fast-forwarding and re-winding.
  3. Five mouse-like buttons.



To use in Linux and Kdenlive you will need to add a udev rule.

  1. Plug-in the shuttle, use lsusb and note the ID info. ID 0b33:0020 in my case, but in the example on the Kdenlive]] documentation the product ID is 0030.
  2. Create a file in /etc/udev/rules.d (for example 90-shuttlexpress.rules and add the line:
    SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0b33", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0020", MODE="0444"

    where 0b33 is the first part of the ID you noted, and 0020 is the second.

  3. Restart the udev stuff with # udevadm control --reload and # udevadm trigger.
  4. Open Kdenlive, go: Settings > Configure Kdenlive… > JogShuttle, and once you enable and select your device you should be able to configure the buttons as you wish.
  • NB: the FF/RW wheel seems bugged in this setup… it seems to work like a mouse scrollwheel, but reversed FIXME

See Also

contour_shuttlexpress.1606971323.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/03 15:55 by rjt