====== QasarBeach CMI IIz ====== **QasarBeach** is a software recreation of the [[tool:hardware:fairlight#Fairlight CMI IIx]] synth/sampler, with some neat contemporary features. It's really great, and pay-what-you-want / donationware. [[Linux]] version doesn't seem to be updated anymore. ===== Links ===== * [[itch>adamstrange.itch.io/qasarbeach]] * [[gmt>QasarBeach]] on the Game Making Tools Wiki. * [[aur>qasarbeach-bin]] * [[yt>50jEUULeWmw|QasarBeach Fairlight CMI IIx Emulator [...]]] - Video of a guying using it on a computer with a resistive touch screen. Dreamy~ * [[https://vimeo.com/399088327]] - And another one. This time the monitor brand is discernible: 'IDEXX VetLab Station' {{tag>music-making instrument software tool synthesiser}}