====== Linux ====== ===== Fixes ===== ==== Copying ==== The progress bar when copying files from, for example, your hard disk to a USB drive, will usually fill up, then be stuck at 100% for a while. This isn't really a bug, //per se//: the bar fills when the data has been completely copied to the cache, then goes away when the data has finished moving to the disk. It's annoying! You can work round this by using [[rsync]] for larger files— rsync -av --progress [source] [destination] —or be more adventurous and mess with some system setup: * https://askubuntu.com/questions/122113/copy-to-usb-memory-stick-really-slow * https://forum.manjaro.org/t/copying-progress-bar-hangs-at-100-when-copying-to-thumb-drive/37108 * https://lonesysadmin.net/2013/12/22/better-linux-disk-caching-performance-vm-dirty_ratio/ ==== Default Programs ==== You can set the default programs used to open files by: - Finding the name of the program's desktop file * It should be in ''/usr/share/applications'' or ''~/.local/share/applications'' - Use ''xdg-mime'' to set the default, eg: ''xdg-mime default pcmanfm.desktop inode/directory'' You can confirm with ''xdg-mime query default inode/directory'' There are also GUI tools to do this, and if you use a //desktop environment// you probably have one already installed. ==== Memory ==== Not having a great time with the kernal's OOM((__O__ut-__O__f-__M__emory)) Killer at the moment; it's not doing the job I expected it to, and I'm getting freezes when I get down to about 1GB of RAM. There are three userspace solutions I've read about: * **The early oom daemon** | [[github>rfjakob/earlyoom]] [[aur>earlyoom]] * **nohang** | [[github>hakavlad/nohang]] [[aur>nohang-git]] * **oomd** | [[github>facebookincubator/oomd]] [[aur>oomd]] [[aur>oomd-git]] The main memory hog is me having a lot of tabs open in [[Firefox]], which in combination with [[electron]] garbage and other hoggy things like a second web browser and [[Thunderbird]] 'causes most of the problems. Sometimes I even forget I have all those things up and start playing a game :/ === See Also === * [[https://linux-mm.org/OOM_Killer|OOM Killer]] on the Linux-mm((__M__emory __M__anagement)) wiki. * [[https://dev.to/rrampage/surviving-the-linux-oom-killer-2ki9|Surviving the Linux OOM Killer]] ===== Printing ===== See [[CUPS]] ===== Reminders ===== I forget how to do shit a lot. ==== Pausing Terminal ==== You can pause activity in the [[terminal]] with ''Ctrl+s'', and resume again with ''Ctrl+q'', which I find handy sometimes when I'm doing updates. If you think of it beforehand you can pipe output to [[less]] or [[more]] or send it to a file, but I never remember. ==== Renaming Multiple Files ==== For me, **[[mmv]]** has the easiest syntax to remember. You'll probably have to install it. There's a version of [[rename]] that uses [[Perl]] and allows [[regular expression]]s. Otherwise, [[GPRename]] is a graphical tool for batch renaming, and most [[file_manager|file managers]] should have some kind of batch file renaming built-in ([[Thunar]] does, [[pcmanfm]] doesn't). ===== See Also ===== * [[https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/108784/running-gui-application-as-another-non-root-user#108787|Running GUI application as another (non-root) user]] * [[https://www.devever.net/~hl/linuxdesktop|A usable Linux desktop]] - Linux setup I mostly jive with. * Distros: [[arch linux]] | [[arch_linux#Antergos]] | [[lubuntu]] {{tag>guide open-source linux fixes}}