====== FM Synthesis ====== That [[sega_mega_drive|Mega Drive]] and Japanese PC sound, LatelyBase, AdLib, gnarly metallic harmonics, icy/crystally caves... I really don't have my head around FM synth yet, but I'd like to get one to learn about it. These're my notes on different machines. A lot unfortunately require dicking about in menus, but I'll probably be doing any patch editing in a [[daw|DAW]] anyway. Kinda need to combine with reverb and/or other effects I think. * __**Philips PMC 100**__\\ Kinda dinky portable synth, can save data to tape, can make really long sequences. Seen for $200. * __**Jomox Mod FM**__\\ I have areal soft-spot for [[Jomox]] stuff for some reason, but they're all very $$$. Seems full-featured. * __**Yamaha TX81Z**__\\ Rack version of the DX11. Can be found for a good price compared to the DX synths. Leaning towards grabbing one. You have to use SysEx to change setting over MIDI, but it's popular enough that there are editors available that make it easy (The [[Ctrlr]] one looks good, but Ctrlr doesn't work right for me). * [[yt>m-bB1ap9c7Y|Should you buy a Yamaha TX81Z FM synth?]] - Guide on using it with a DAW. * [[yt>QG2VlpesZ6Q|Yamaha TX81Z Tone Module: Why I Use It]] - Hardware guide. * __**Korg Volca FM 2**__\\ Affordable option. Something about those dinky little knobs is offputting to me, but would actuallt be a great starting point I think... * __**Korg Opsix**__\\ Range of contemporary synths. Has a sequencer in there. Mixed opinions, but seems like a little bit of a different take on FM. Lots of presets. * __**PreenFM2**__\\ DIY FM synth you can by put together. Nice texture. ===== Software ===== * [[https://asb2m10.github.io/dexed/|Dexed]] - Open-source. ===== See Also ==== * [[wp>Frequency modulation synthesis]] {{tag>music hardware}}