====== File Kinds ====== Here are some file kinds / types that I like, and ones I have some dirt on. ===== Description ===== Was always intrigued by these files. Used for describing contents of archives and directories. * FILE_ID.DIZ [[wp>FILE_ID.DIZ]] * .NFO [[wp>.nfo]] (See also [[kodi#Metadata|Kodi's weird version]], which contains [[XML]]) * README, READ.ME, README.* [[wp>README]] ==== See Also ==== * https://archive.org/details/scenenotices * https://textfiles.com/piracy/NFO/ * https://defacto2.net/ ===== Browser ===== ==== .CRX ==== Google Chrome extensions. The 'shop' doesn't let you just download them, so the only working solution I found was using the [[http://chrome-extension-downloader.com/|Chrome Extension Downloader]] website to grab them. === Some links === * https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/crx * https://www.cnet.com/how-to/how-to-install-chrome-extensions-manually/ * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Porting_a_Google_Chrome_extension * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Temporary_Installation_in_Firefox ==== Bookmarks ==== In [[Firefox]] at least, bookmarks are exported and imported via [[HTML]] files with a ''NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1'' doctype. They still look like they're from the [[Netscape]] era, capitalised elements and all, and they're based around definition lists. This used to also be the way bookmarks were stored by the browser, but they now live in a database. Examples: [[https://gist.github.com/devster31/4e8c6548fd16ffb75c02e6f24e27f9b9|Firefox?]] [[https://gist.github.com/jgarber623/cdc8e2fa1cbcb6889872|Delicious]] If you just want to import a basic list of links you can use a simplified version like:
On import these will be plopped into the top level of the 'Bookmarks Menu'. If you want to organise them a bit with folders you add a ''
'' with an ''

'' inside, and a sub ''


You can give your links titles, add tags (''href'' attribute ''tags="[tag1], [tag2]"'' and other stuff if you want to get fancy. ===See Also=== * [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/platform-apis/aa753582(v=vs.85)?redirectedfrom=MSDN]] * [[tildegit>rjt/mastodon-bookmarks-convert-netscape]] - Script for converting list of URLs to Netscape format. ===== Linux ===== ==== .desktop ==== Desktop files are used to organise programs in the window manager's applications menu and/or launcher (in my case [[Rofi]]). They're basically the [[Linux]] equivalent of [[microsoft_windows|Windows']] shortcuts. In [[pcmanfm]] you can use .desktop files to define [[pcmanfm#Custom Actions]]. Software should provide one, but if you need t ocreate your own, or customise one you can put them in ''~/.local/share/applications''. I have an example one in my ''/Templates'' directory that looks like this: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Version=1.0 Name=Template GenericName=Desktop template Comment= Path=/path/to/software/ Exec=executable.x86 Icon=/path/to/icon.ico Terminal=false MimeType= Categories=Game;Utility; There some notes on making ones for stuff you run through [[Wine]] on its page. * Categories from the [[Freedesktop]] spec: * [[https://specifications.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html|Main Categories]] * [[https://specifications.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apas02.html|Additional Categories]] * [[https://specifications.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apas03.html|Reserved Categories]] ===== Programmy Stuffs ===== ==== .editorconfig ==== File for standardising preferences across [[text_editor|text editors]], things such as tab length, character format. Also handy for formatting on Github ;) * [[http://editorconfig.org/|editorconfig.org]] * [[https://www.wisdomgeek.com/programming/editorconfig/|Why you should be using an EditorConfig file in your project]] * [[http://davidensinger.com/2013/07/why-i-use-editorconfig/|Why I use EditorConfig]] ==== .gitignore ==== //see -s-[[git#.gitignore|]] in the page for Git.// ===== Web ===== ==== userContent.css ==== [[Firefox]] still lets you add your own style rules, though I kinda suspect they'll ditch it one day :( It lives at ''~/.mozilla/[profile name]/chrome/userContent.css'', though you might have to manually create the chrome directory, and the ''.css'' file yourself. Mostly I use it to hide results from shit websites in [[duckduckgo]] searches, for example: @-moz-document domain(duckduckgo.com) { /* Hide reults from particular domains */ .result[data-domain="gamesradar.com"], /* anti-adblocker */ .result[data-domain="www.w3schools.com"], /* shifty, low quality */ .result[data-domain="slant.co"], /* low quality */ .result[data-domain="www.gamesradar.com"] /* anti-adblocker */ { display:none; } } Otherwise I'm just [[blocking|blocking]] a few pesky ads., and making basic, Web1.0-like pages a bit easier to read with different colours and line heights. //see -s-[[Firefox#Styling]] in the [[Firefox]] page.// ===== See Also ===== * [[https://post.lurk.org/@entreprecariat/109761888739919564|What's the most annoying file extension?]] - Microblog thread. * [[http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/|fileformats.archiveteam.org]] - The 'Just Solve the File Format Problem' wiki. AKA The File Formats wiki. {{tag>external-edit-only form guide software}}