======Egg====== I don't like eggs. Every time I see 'egg' or hear 'egg' I think 'eggy weggs'. Sometimes I wish I liked eggs because they're weird and blobby and I like yellow. | {{youtube>-curcop3Fy8?extrahard}} | | {{youtube>Ll86KLqZFTg?extrahard}} | | {{:media:image:food:teatowel_gotoworkonanegg.jpeg?425|}}\\ How about you go get fucked on an egg. | | {{youtube>GLH_SID9G1I?extrahard}}\\ Some egg. | | {{:media:image:food:planet_smelly.png?425|News heading that reads 'Smelly planet "reeks of rotten eggs", study finds'}}\\ [[https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjm901rdyjdo|Also rains glass, apparently]]. | | {{:media:image:food:legegg.png?425}} | {{tag>egg food}}